Preliminary presentation to Dyson

Today we had another visit by Rob from Dyson, and we all gave ~10 minute presentations about what we had achieved so far, and what we intended to achieve during the course of the project.

The mechanical team presented first, and explained the proposed use of a turntable for rotating the object by a fixed Kinect camera, as well as the design approach that would be taken.


The laser scanning team then talked about the problems associated with Kinect Fusion for this problem, and some of the methods to overcome this, such as incorporating fixed features onto the scene for better tracking.


The 3D printing team then outlined some preliminary results of manually cropped meshes from meshlab, and spoke of plans to perform real 3D printing soon.


Finally, the media team spoke about the various media forms that were intended, and more importantly, the topics that these would focus on. This blog being one of them!


After that, we all had a well deserved lunch, before getting back to crack on with some work!

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